without a doubt: 毫无疑问!
I'll be at the meeting this Friday without a doubt. 毫无疑问我会出席周五的会议。
no doubt (you've heard the news): 毫无疑问(你已经听到这个消息了)
- "As some of you are no doubt aware, May Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is this Friday, and apparently a few thousand people will be celebrating with a mass protest on the streets of San Francisco."
- "By now, you've no doubt read the newspapers: devastating earthquakes, deadly floods, fatal epidemics, terrorist attacks, destructive hurricanes and death tolls in the thousands, and that's just on the front page!"
- "No doubt you've heard rumors of the efficiency expert who has been roaming our halls periodically since April."
- "Philip : Advances, yes, no doubt about it, but "unwanted"?"
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