a wave: 波浪,波动,挥手
to wave: 摇摆,起伏
Many protesters waved American flags at the demonstration. 游行时,许多抗议者挥舞着美国国旗。
to wave (to someone): 向...挥手,挥手道别(向某人)
- "Delavigne Corp, already considered a maverick in the cosmetics industry for its staunch refusal to use animals in the testing of its products, hopes to promote ecological awareness among customers as well as take advantage of a new wave of environmental consciousness brought to national attention by the recent bestseller "Global Warming: It's all your fault"."
- "Bruno : It's about the American flag, how it was still waving even during an intense battle with bombs all around."
- "Lou : Mate, if you come with me, we'll surf the biggest waves in the galaxy!"
- "a new wave of Chinese entrepreneurs is now attacking aspects of the marketing ladder, extending their efforts to distribution, retailing and even branding."
- "I've surfed every wave in this building, including the killer break in the first floor toilet."
- "I can even hear the sound of waves crashing against the shore."
- "and wave 'em like you just don't care"
- "Edward : They can wave to a friend or hold power tools."