underwater: 在水中的,水面下的
- "Well you can go to one bar, I will be going to another secret bar underwater with my millionaire manatee friends."
- "This article was posted from my underwater lair using the new waterproof BlueBerry Aqua"
- "Moving on to September, a Funky Friday gave you the choice to go anywhere in the world: Brazil, Japan, underwater, Australia, but where did we go?"
- "Philip : To defend America from her underwater enemies!"
- "Thursday : Sources report that the jet setting juice juggernaut was partying hard in the underwater city of Atlantis , riding sea horses and organizing illegal dolphin fights."
- "I'm not going to eat a steak while I'm partly underwater."
- "23% of you think that Bruno Delavigne was rescued by mermaids and is now living underwater."
他们的意见 :