to be unable (to do something): 无法做,没能力做(某事)
I am unable to make it to your party Friday night. 我周五晚上不能参加你的舞会。
Mr. Warbuckle's accountant was unable to balance his books before the tax deadline. Warbuckle先生的会计无法在纳税期限内把账理好。
- "I am unable to reach you by telephone, so I am writing you this email in regards to a patient who checked in at 3 AM this morning."
- "Me, because I'm unable to smell, and Horatio because he creates smells."
- "Space Base Alpha : Unable to comply with your request."
- "Unfortunately, the gentleman I was planning to take with me is unable to attend, so his ticket is up for grabs!"
- "Please, get in touch with Charlie (I no longer have any record of his number but I'm hoping you still have it written down somewhere) and explain that I will be unable to attend the concert tonight."
- "Unfortunately, I am unable to give you more information regarding my position and purpose, because then I would have to kill you."
- "No human casualties were reported, although it is believed that the goose was unable to survive its devastating injuries."
- "As a vegetarian, I was unable to eat your "vegetable" soup."
- "Air Traffic Controller : I'm unable to identify you on radar."
- "I am unable to take this holiday because my elderly mother fell down the stairs and broke her hip."
他们的意见 :