to turn (over): 移交; (使)翻转
a (90-degree) turn: (90度)转弯
- "For more information on this Scandinavian powerhouse, we turn to Swedish correspondent Bjorn Larsson."
- "You want a real book: one with pages you can turn;"
- "Edward : Ok, a 90 degree-turn."
- "Edward : Yeah, turn over!"
- "The teacher of the class has been hailed as a hero for bringing the incident to a swift end by saying, "Ok class, that's enough excitement for today, turn to page 54 of your textbooks: Trigonometry"."
- "Now turn your head and cough."
- "I want you to make a series of 90-degree turns so that I can identify you on radar."
- "Then we turned and shook as we had a look in the room where the dead men lay"
- "Royal Rehab® is the world's most unique rehabilitation center, with over 5000 years of experience turning kingly cruelties into tiny transgressions!"
- "Now, I'm gonna turn over..."