(I dated with John Wayne and Clint Eastwood) to name (but) a few: (我与约翰·韦恩,还有克林特·伊斯特伍德约会)只说2个名字;其中只说很少的人/几个人
He's worked for great directors like Spielberg, Burton and Scorsese, to name but a few. 他在为大导演效力,如斯皮尔·伯格,波顿和斯科塞斯,等等(就不一一举例)。
- "Doggy dementia, Stockholm syndrome, acute adorability, just to name a few."
- "I've selected a number of provocative outfits for the shoot - Japanese schoolgirl, sexy nurse, dark-haired CEO of a perfume company... just to name a few."
- "It's generally played in England and its former colonies: Australia, New Zealand, India, West Indies, to name a few."
- "He has a number of psychological disorders: Doggy dementia, Stockholm syndrome, Acute Adorability, just to name a few."
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