to laugh: 笑、大笑
The movie about the clown made Horatio laugh, but Luna found it deeply disturbing. 小丑电影让霍雷肖大笑,但露娜却感觉不胜其扰。
to laugh at (someone): 嘲笑(某人)
Stop laughing at me, it happens to everyone. 不要笑我,它可能发生在每个人身上。
the laughter, the laugh: 笑、笑声
The sound of the children's laughter echoed in my ears. 孩子们的笑声回荡在我耳边。
Pronunciation examples
UK: The movie about the clown made Horatio laugh and cry.
US: The sound of children's laughter echoed in my ears.
- "Bruno ( laughing): Oh, you're serious."
- "Icarus : (laughs)"
- "Todd laughs uproariously"
- "Now, if you can make me laugh, then I can bring Earth humor back to my planet."
- "Brian : He's laughing, we did it!"
- "Philip : Todd, is laughing!"
- "Todd : Well, I'm trying as hard as I can to laugh, but nothing is coming out."
- "For example, every morning at 10:00 AM sharp, we could all turn on our intercoms and laugh together for 30 seconds."
- "When you laugh, it's like a small accordion which plays in the little metro of my mind."
- "Brian : Well Philip, your jokes are so bad they make me laugh... at you!"
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