to threaten: 威胁,恐吓
He threatened me verbally for several minutes before hitting me. 揍我之前他先口头威胁了几分钟。
a threat: 威胁,警告
Is that a threat or a promise? 那是威胁还是承诺?
to pose a threat 构成威胁
Pronunciation examples
UK: Don't you threaten me with that banana.
US: I can't threaten you with this banana. It's just a banana.
- "Rebels are demanding $4 billion in ransom and have threatened to remove the hostages' hairs one by one tomorrow morning."
- "Drop in spending threatens gloomy Christmas for retailers"
- "Subject: Ominous, vaguely threatening email"
- "If someone threatens you with physical violence, offer them some discount vouchers."
- "They're threatening to send him back to Mexico."
- "Faced with the threat of a flu pandemic, researchers from Paris have developed a deterrent that could stop the virus from spreading."
- "In the US, the loss of industrial jobs and the rise of a global economy have threatened the higher wages that union members once enjoyed."
- "There are lots of dangers on the sea, including the very real threat of zucchini."
他们的意见 :