Texas: 德克萨斯州
a Texan: 得克萨斯州的人
- "I'd be happy to join you in Texas for a long weekend in early October."
- "I must admit I'm curious to know what's on your mind, but I suppose I'll have to wait until I arrive in Texas to find out."
- "Since you're always hosting me in your fancy San Francisco offices, I think it's my turn to return the favor, so I'd like to extend a formal invitation to my new ranch in Crawford, Texas."
- "I'm here with the famous Texan millionaire, Harold Percy Warbuckle."
- "Come on over, spend a weekend and discover some Texan hospitality!"
- "So I'd like to extend a formal invitation to my new ranch in Crawford, Texas."
- "Texan multi-millionaire Harold P."