terribly: 非常地,极度地,可怕地
I'm terribly sorry. 我非常抱歉。
He's a terribly bad singer. 他是一个非常糟糕的歌手。
- "Brian : Oh, I'm terribly sorry, but we don't have any more olives."
- "Rupert : Terribly sorry, Mr. Yankee Dollar."
- "Brian : Uh... I'm terribly sorry Bruno, I don't know how this lady got in!"
- "He felt terribly depressed, and needed to take a break."
- "Luna : I'm terribly sorry to hear that."
- "He's a charming man: terribly sweet, and bends over backwards to help his customers."
- "These terrorists – and I do not think this word is too strong – take issue with the fishing of bluefin tuna, arguing that the bluefin community is suffering terribly from over-fishing."
- "I hope you don't find this question terribly impolite."
- "Brian : Listen, this all sounds terribly interesting Quentin."
他们的意见 :