to tease: 戏弄,取笑,开玩笑
Stop teasing me. 不要再戏弄我了。
to tease (metaphoric): 勾引,诱惑(隐喻)
The movie director teased us with a 5 second clip from his upcoming film. 电影导演诱惑我们看了5秒他即将上映的电影的片花。
Pronunciation examples
UK: Please stop teasing me about my new haircut.
US: Ok, I'll tease you about your big nose instead, jumbo!
- "I'm just teasing."
- "I was only teasing."
- "Tease your prospective clients!"
- "Mom : Bruno, Felix is just teasing you."
- "Mom : Oh Bruno, Felix is just teasing you."
- "Edward : Tease me baby!"