the significance: 重要性、严重性、相关性,有意义
I don't think you understand the significance of this law. 我想你并没有理解该法律的意义。
significant: 重要的,严重的,相当大的,引人注目
We saw some significant changes in the past few years. 我们看到了一些过去几年里重要的变化。
insignificant: 无关紧要的,次要的,琐碎的,不重要的,毫无意义
significantly: 重要地,值得注目得地,认真地,显著地
- "But I don't want this insignificant detail to influence your first impression."
- "The operating costs of this bank are quite significant."
- "One of them, rather insignificant: a one dollar cash withdrawal in quarters."
- "Your groundbreaking work with monkeys in a cruelty-free environment interested me particularly, and their significant role in your daily activities came as a mild surprise."
- "Our server is at 99.9% full capacity, which causes significant delay in sending and receiving messages."
- "-Offer significant discount on future shipments to all retail partners as an act of good faith for recalled product (cost unknown but likely over $500,000)"
- "15th, tomorrow will make seven (7) weeks since your renovation project "incident" caused significant water damage to the ceiling of my bathroom (i."
- "I've done a quick calculation of the replacement parts necessary, and the cost would be significantly less than the purchase of a new bicycle, especially since I know of a place where I can get parts second-hand."
- "We will be allocating significant resources to its development: money, equipment, personnel."
- "Brent : Moira, the rate of obesity in America is significantly higher than in any other country in the world."
他们的意见 :