secondly, second, second of all: 第二,其次,第二点
Secondly 常用于演讲中
Secondly, I have to say that our marketing department is doing a great job. 其次,我要说,我们销售部真的做得很好。
a second: 秒钟)
(for) the second time: (是)第二次
- "Susie : It's funny, earlier in the helicopter, I thought... for a second, I thought you said... oh, never mind, it's so ridiculous."
- "Brian : (The second one)"
- "12 coffees brewed per second, 94 mails archived per minute, 6-10 chocolates fed to Bruno per hour."
- "I feel like Brian Jones is going to walk in here any second and say "Hello chaps."
- "Will you excuse me for one second?"
- "Just sit tight for a second."
- "Gerald : Ok, a second time then: Where is the microfiche?"
- "Secondly, I have met with all of our major clients to let them know about Bruno's leave of absence."
- "The second one..."
- "Emcee : Our second panelist is a camel farmer from Basra, Iraq."
他们的意见 :