once a (month, week, day): (每月、每周、每天)一次
- "If you have seen Stink, or heard any rumors to his location, please contact the lost dog hotline 24 hours a day, seven days a week: 1-800-RU MY DOG (1-800-786-9364)"
- "You must brush your teeth at least twice a day."
- "Nothing is mandatory, however she will be holding group therapy sessions once a month."
- "You need regular therapy, and I'd like to work with you at least once a week."
- "My camel Sheeba, on the other hand, drinks water once a week."
- "Can a president truly be effective when he has to walk a small dog twice a day?"
- "After all, I have been sending you the same message once a week for a few months now."
- "I don't give a damn if it's half a day a week, I don't like it."
仍然觉得使用“Once a month”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧!
他们的意见 :
您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Once a month”上犯错的小贴士呢?