a nerd: 书呆子
nerdy: 书呆子式的
- "Bruno will kill me if there is so much as a scratch on it, let alone your nerd urine."
- "Because you only care about dumb stuff like perfume and science, you big perfume nerd!"
- "Nerdy guy : Of course you may not!"
- "Nerdy guy : So, it says in your announcement that you're a fan of Star Wars, is that correct?"
- "And the nerds have emerged from their basements"
- "Nerdy guy : Hello Edward."
- "Nerdy guy : Tell me, Edward, which type of crystal was used by the Jedi knights to construct their light sabers?"
- "Nerdy guy : If you wish."
- "Nerdy guy : Yes, Edward Moon, I noticed that you like Star Wars, this is good."