necessary: 必要的
a necessary evil 必要之恶
no experience necessary 有无经验皆可
unnecessary: 不必要的
- "We all know that we shouldn't leave our computers on standby and that we shouldn't print out emails and documents unless absolutely necessary."
- "Bruno: That won't be necessary."
- "With around 20% of the British population currently falling into the "obese" category, and a further 40% being classified as "overweight", the government decided a change was necessary."
- "Basic computer skills necessary."
- "Wipe table with a damp cloth when necessary"
- "Mr. Capone, was that really necessary?"
- "Do you have the equipment necessary to produce these bottles en masse?"
- "Bruno : No, that's not necessary."
- "Giuseppe knows how to get in touch with me if absolutely necessary."
他们的意见 :