native: 当地的;当地人
English is my native language, but I also speak French. 英语是我的本族语,但我也讲法语。
The koala is native to Australia. 考拉原产于澳大利亚。
the Native Americans 美国土著人,美洲印第安人
- "Now, while she's changing the bill, tell me a bit more about your native Sweden, I've heard it's quite cold this time of year..."
- "As far as the numerous traffic violations incurred by Mr. Marron, I can only suggest that the vast societal and cultural differences between his native country (France) and ours played a significant part in his actions."
- "Consequently, I suggest that Jean adopt a native English accent, to make himself easier to understand."
- "Female, I would say, probably a long-beaked common dolphin, native to this region."
- "My feelings for you are like a lesson that has been corrected instantaneously by a team of native English-speakers, and sent back to your inbox with a score of 100%!"
- "They look like tiny little bears, but they're actually part of the marsupial family, animals native to Australia."
- "Today, as my personal assistant Brian Jones and I explored this city and talked to the native people, I was struck by the differences between our two countries."
- "I'm returning to my native continent immediately, if he'll have me back."
他们的意见 :