to maintain: 维持、维修
Try to maintain some control. 尽量保持一些控制力
(a) well-maintained (garden): 受到良好维护的(花园)
- "I maintain the balance of fluid in the body by removing waste from the blood and excreting it as urine."
- "You must have spent millions to have this place built and you must be paying millions just to maintain it!"
- "-Going the extra mile to satisfy a customer is a great way of maintaining customer loyalty."
- "Greenzo: Saving the earth while maintaining profitability."
- "I'll need to check that your equipment and utensils are clean and well-maintained."
- "I managed to maintain a shred of dignity by sticking out my ‘pinkie' finger with each sip."
- "To help us maintain the high standards of our consulting group, we would greatly appreciate if you could take a few moments to fill in the attached performance evaluation form for our employee, Robert Tiberius Carter."
- "Your role is critical in maintaining our strong sales numbers despite the economic downturn."
- "It's true that Stickypedia is maintained by anonymous volunteers rather than renowned experts, but despite this, it works remarkably well!"
他们的意见 :