
a know-it-all: 百事通 idiom
Icarus is a real know-it-all when it comes to accounting. 在谈到会计学时,伊卡洛斯是一个真正的百事通。
Know-it-all 常含有讽刺意味:
He thinks he's a know-it-all. 他以为自己无所不知。
  • "This is Archibald Savant, Engineering Supervisor here at Know-it-all Tech Solutions."
  • "But if you take a look at my work experience you'll see that I spent some time with Know-it-all Tech Solutions."
  • "Techie (Rachel) : This is Rachel Witt from Know-It-All Technical Solutions, I'm calling for a ... Bob Kater."
  • "Stephen : Hello and welcome to the Online Tech Support for Know-it-all Tech Solutions, this is Stephen Genius, executive associate assistant."
  • "Techie : Sir, if I might be so bold as to suggest you hire an IT consultant, Know-It-All Tech Solutions would be happy to send you one..."
  • "I have just put in a second call to our tech support (Know-It-All Tech Solutions), and they assured me that we would be receiving our repaired server very soon."
  • "Techie (Rajard) : Good morning, thank you for calling Know-it-all Technical Solutions, this is Rajard Padmanabam, how may I best assist you?"
  • "Richard : Good morning, thank you for calling Know-it-all Tech Solutions, this is Richard Smart."
  • "Of course, if you really want it, I can give you the number for Know-It-All so you can contact them yourself."
  • "This is Rajard from Know-it-all Tech Solutions."


仍然觉得使用“Know it all”有困难?试试我们的在线英语课程并接受免费水平评估吧!

他们的意见 :



我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






你的方法很独特! 你们的课程帮助我在海外交流期间取得了进步和自信...



Gymglish让我提高口语和书面表达能力的机会。 我绝对不会错过的课!


您有记住这条规则的妙招吗?关于避免在“Know it all”上犯错的小贴士呢?