to incorporate (a new functionality into a product): 将(新功能)融入(产品)
Did you incorporate my ideas into your upcoming project? 在你接下来的项目中,你有没有采纳我的意见?
Drunk&Monk Inc. (or "Drunk&Monk Incorporated"): Drunk&Monk公司
- "Incorporating nap time for the staff might even provide a nice PR angle for all those journalists looking for stories about "hip" and "caring" corporations."
- "Philip : Brian, sell Super Platinum Incorporated now!"
- "Philip : Brian, buy shares in Super Platinum Incorporated."
- "Buy Super Platinum Incorporated now!"
- "As I mentioned in my email, I'm looking to get some advice on possible environmental initiatives that we could incorporate here at Delavigne."
- "I bought some stock in the company, Luigi's Pizza Incorporated."
- "We've done our best to incorporate new green ideas, but I fear we're only scratching the surface of what could be done."
- "Sell Super Platinum Incorporated now!"
- "We worked on incorporating some environmental initiatives together."
- "Anyway, I am standing next to none other than entrepreneur Bruno Delavigne, who has just emerged from intense marathon negotiation sessions with the International Fruit Concern, Incorporated."
他们的意见 :