to harm: 伤害、损害
It would do you no harm to go to the dentist once in a while. 偶尔去看一下牙医对你没有害处。
Smoking is harmful to your health. 吸烟对你的健康有害。
He was lucky to escape the car crash unharmed. 他很幸运在车祸中安然无恙。
(No) harm (done!): (未造成)损害!
harmless: 安全的、无害的
Pronunciation examples
UK: It would do you no harm to go to the dentist once in a while.
US: Smoking is harmful to your health.
- "Donna : Listen to me, Icarus from San Francisco: your personal space is sacred, and no one can harm you there."
- "Although the script is very well written, we think that a movie about a serial killer with a pathological obsession with Delavigne products may harm our brand's image."
- "And besides, when Michelangelo agreed to paint the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel for Pope Julius the second did it harm his reputation?"
- "Are you sick of burglars entering your home, taking your priceless art and harming your valuable children?"
- "No one was harmed in the incident, though one 94-year-old man broke his hip dancing the samba around the burning vehicle."
- "- International Cosmetics Supply Center cannot be held liable for any harm caused to your person by the products provided."
- "Can you imagine the harm this would do to my reputation?"