(a) funky (hairdo): 流行的(发型)
Hey man, I love your flares, they are so funky!嘿小伙子,我喜欢你的喇叭裤,非常时髦。
funk: 恐惧,怯懦
- "Seems like I'm floating in the office, but everything is a bit funkier than usual."
- "Bruno : Thanks again and remember: the only thing better than a Funky Friday..."
- "Join us, as we discover life in the Parallel Funky Friday Universe Zone thing!"
- "Anyway, we should end on a positive note, so I'm going to tell you what I love about Funky Fridays: Love."
- "Let's get back to some of the memories that make Funky Friday so funky."
- "On behalf of the Delavigne Staff, I'd like to thank Gymglish's users for making the last Friday of every month so damn funky."
- "What else do you love about Funky Fridays, Horatio?"
- "Really, Happy Birthday Funky Friday!"
- "Horatio : So funky!"