(to have) some free time: (有)空闲时间
If you have some free time this weekend, you should come over for a drink.这个周末如果你有时间,过来喝一杯吧。
to be free (to do something): 有空(做某事)
- "Say, are you free tonight?"
- "I imagine that you may have some free time on Thursday, as Mr. Horatio refuses to come to work, because he says that Thursdays are his Sabbath day, when he stays home and speaks with spirits."
- "Edward : Jean, are you free tonight?"
- "I imagine that you may have some free time on Thursday, as Mr. Horatio refuses to come in, because he says that Thursdays are his Sabbath day, when he stays home and converses with spirits, at least, that's what Susie tells me."
- "Are you free next week?"
- "Well, are you free to talk for a few minutes?"
- "Are you free to talk?"
- "We encourage all of our listeners to visit Australia and New Zealand when you have some free time."
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