to float (on the water): 漂浮(在水面)
a float (in a parade): (游行队伍里的)彩车,花车
to float (an idea): 浮现(一个主意)
- "We won't be asking you to do anything too demanding: we're just going to float a few ideas, and you'll give us your impressions."
- "Do you want to go through life floating aimlessly from one failed relationship to another?"
- "Seems like I'm floating in the office, but everything is a bit funkier than usual."
- "João : Well I'm watching a procession of floats and sexy dancers going past me."
- "It's just you, floating alone in the heavens."
- "Suddenly a black minivan swerved into the parade route, sideswiped the float and caused Bruno to lose his balance and fall."