(The rug) fits (this room): (地毯)正好适合(这个房间)
I'm not sure if this painting will fit on the wall.我不确定这幅画是否正好能挂在墙上。
It fits you like a glove!它非常适合你!
This dress fits you to perfection!这件连衣裙非常适合你!
This hotel fits my needs.这个酒店符合我的需求。
to fit into (a pair of jeans): 正好放进(牛仔裤里)
(a) fit (person): (一个)健康的(人)
在现代英式英语中,Fit的意思是"sexy"或者"good looking"。当它用来描述一个男人或女人时,意思是"good looking"或"attractive",但它仍然与良好的身体状态这一意思有关联。
He's quite fit! 他很合适!
Pronunciation examples
UK: This dress is too small - it doesn't fit!
US: You need to be very fit to run a marathon.
- "I'm just going to attach the headset...Wow Brian, you've certainly got big hair, it doesn't seem to fit!"
- "Candles (I have some, but mine will never fit on a cake)"
- "He's going to check you out to see if you're, um, mentally fit."
- "The scarf measures 50cm in length and is designed to fit around the necks of most birds (except ostriches and emus, which require modified versions of the scarf)."
- "I'm not trying to pull you, even though I would like to... I think you are really fit."
- "He seems like a very sensitive fellow, not to mention how fit he is!"
- "Someone fit and athletic, and it would be great if they cooked."
- "I can fit into tight spaces!"