the FBI: 美国联邦调查局
an FBI agent: 联邦调查局特工
- "Philip : Well Edward, a guy from the FBI wants a microfiche, and apparently there's a microfiche hidden in your guitar."
- "My name is Cheeter, Philip Cheeter: Director of sales at the Delavigne Corporation, generous, dynamic lover, and most recently, super effective FBI agent."
- "I am an FBI agent."
- "Official FBI biz!"
- "Edward : I am an FBI agent."
- "I've just learned that the Delavigne Christmas e-card has been intercepted by the FBI, they've censored everything!"
- "Edward :The FBI?"
- "FBI, top secret... yada yada yada."
- "'Cause If I'm going to join the FBI, there'd better be some kissing."