a (sport, leisure) facility: 一种(运动的,休闲的)综合设施
We also have a manufacturing facility in Indonesia. 我们在印尼也有一个制造工厂。
the facilities: 设备,材料
The school has just built new sporting facilities.学校刚刚修建了新的体育设施。
(to have) a facility (for languages): (有)能力,天赋(在语言方面)
- "You could work part time, not to mention there are crèche facilities."
- "Curtis Blow : I'll be inspecting your facilities, looking out for any hazards, that sort of thing."
- "Nevertheless, we thought you could benefit from a friendly reminder as to the rules of the facility"
- "Most recently, while working in a special division of the British government, I demonstrated an exceptional facility for efficiency, organisation, discretion and meeting deadlines."
- "We hope that you find our facilities truly relaxing."
- "I'll visit our facilities in Asia myself, if I have to."
- "For a small extra cost, passengers can choose to have some legroom and a seatbelt, and use the toilet facilities!"
- "We have trading partners all over the world, improving educational facilities, and natural resources which will last us for centuries."
- "A lack of leisure facilities has been suggested as being one of the main causes."
- "Angry factory workers in Indonesia actually raided their own facility and stole merchandise and equipment from the company."
他们的意见 :