
an exclusive contract: 只有两方的独家营销合同 noun
Warbuckle has an exclusive contract to distribute Delavigne perfumes. Warbuckle已经拿到了分销Delavigne香水的独家营销合同。
exclusive: 独有的;排外的;专一的 adjective
Bruno belongs to many exclusive clubs. 布鲁诺属于许多家私人俱乐部。
an exclusive interview 独家专访
an exclusive: 一个被首次报道的新闻故事 noun
  • "Brent Vanderplop : Welcome back everyone to Radio Rhubarb's exclusive round-the-clock coverage of the Bruno Delavigne disappearance over the Pacific Ocean."
  • "As a special treat, we have an exclusive perfume range which is only available in this store."
  • "Tomorrow: An exclusive Crawl Street Journal podcast inside the new gallery!"
  • "(NASDAQ: IFC) and privately-owned American juice boutique Miracle Juices enter their 85th straight hour, the Peking Duck has obtained an exclusive transcript of a portion of the bargaining sessions."
  • "Today we've been granted the exclusive opportunity to discover the many secrets of his magnificent, splendiferous, fantabulous, audacious, enormous ranch!"
  • "EXCLUSIVE: Leaked transcript of Miracle Juice negotiations emerge online"
  • "The point is that I have big plans for this company - we are going to make an exclusive line of perfumes for babies, and naturally the first step is baby testing."
  • "But of course, if you don't think you're up to the challenge of selling this exclusive product, then..."
  • "Caroline : I've done some research on Delavigne, and I'm fully aware of your current online presence, it's very exclusive."
  • "The book will be privately published and given to 500 of our most exclusive clients to reward them for their loyalty (and hopefully make us look pretty cool)."


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