a delivery: 送货、交货
We offer free delivery. 我们提供免费送货。
a delivery boy (or "guy"): 快递员(送货员)
The delivery boy's here. He's so cute. 那个快递小伙子在这,他真可爱。
to deliver (the goods): 送货,分发(货物)
to deliver a speech 发表演讲
- "As you may have heard, your last delivery of perfume was destroyed in a freak traffic accident."
- "Delivery to be made by 31st February"
- "I need you to produce and deliver a new, totally fabulous, Christmas card... TODAY!"
- "Horatio : And deliver me a poison letter?"
- "Sailor : Horatio, you've just received a delivery from a mermaid."
- "The bad news is that my tarantulas were accidentally delivered to a child's baptism.The good news is that Edward Moon is a bastard."
- "Somehow, I came up with the idea of sending the delivery via ferry to Calais before being placed on a cargo ship to Brazil - genius!"
- "The board of the IACF thought it only fitting that you, one of the true pioneers in the fragrance and cosmetic community, deliver the speech to mark the Vicennial anniversary of our organization."
- "By the time it reaches Brazil, we will have missed the delivery deadline!"
他们的意见 :