to click (on a link): 点击(通过一个连接)
to right-click: 点击电脑鼠标右键
a clicking sound: 一个由机器或者装置发出的短而尖锐的噪音
The clicking of the machines drives me crazy!机器发出的噪声已经快让我抓狂了。
- "You just need to click on the "call" button."
- "Once rebooted, double-click on Mindmelt icon on desktop."
- "I've got both documents open but I have to click between them."
- "When the unsuspecting computer user double-clicks on the attached file, the email sends an exact copy of itself to every contact in their address book."
- "I want you in here by the time I click "Send"."
- "I can't talk properly, so I use clicking sounds to communicate."
- "If you see an error message when you turn on the computer, you should click on "cancel" and after about 20 seconds you will be able to log in normally."
- "Click on the link below and stay tuned to hear the success story of elderly fall victim, Thelma Fudd."
- "The user finishes the exercises, clicks on the send button, and receives a personalized correction within minutes."