(Take these) chains (off me): (把这些)镣铐,枷锁,桎梏(从我这里拿开)
the chain of command 阶级制度
a food chain 食物链
a chain (of stores, of events): 连串,一系列,连锁(商店,事件)
to chain: 束缚,监禁,囚禁
The first time Bruno met Horatio, he was chained to a ficus. He wanted to protect it. 布鲁诺第一次遇到霍雷肖时,他就被榕属囚禁了,他想保护它。
- "I have chains all the way from London to Brighton, with another under construction in the U."
- "Although the notoriety of the local food movement is increasing, even lending such buzzwords as "food patriotism" (strong belief in sustainable local food chains) and "locavore" (one who eats only local products) to the lexicon, some remain unconvinced that the local food movement is all it's cracked up to be."
- "Come on people, break the chains!"
- "Philip will be traveling to smoggy, silicone-filled Los Angeles on Thursday morning to meet with buyers from 'Smells R Us', a chain of local perfume stores based in Southern California, as well as carriers of fine Delavigne products."
- "Brian : Oh I see, but there are so many pizza chains in America - what gives Luigi's Pizza a competitive edge?"