to catch: 去捕捉、捉到...、发现...
to catch a flight 赶航班
to catch a movie 去看电影
to catch someone off guard 惊吓到某人
to catch somebody's attention 引起别人的注意
I managed to catch her. 我努力追赶她
We got caught in the storm.我们被淋成了落汤鸡。
to catch a cold 感冒了。
This is an irregular verb:
I catch / I caught / I have caught
(my jacket is) caught (in the door): (我的夹克)夹(在门里了)
a catch: 一个陷阱、关键点
Pronunciation examples
UK: I have to catch a flight, so that I can catch a movie.
US: I went to a baseball game and caught the ball.
- "Rogue Trader Caught!"
- "Brian : You're not going to make me catch worms, are you?"
- "Operator : Then for your return journey, you can catch the 10AM bus out of New York on July 26th, which will bring you back to San Francisco on July 30th at 11AM."
- "Jean-Pierre : We have definitely caught ourselves a British!"
- "I'm awfully sorry but your fishing hook appears to be caught in my lip."
- "In light of recent staff turnover, as well as several incidents which have caught Bruno's attention, I am writing to you with some important information regarding our termination policy."
- "And what happens when the fox is caught?"
- "He's trying to hit the ball somewhere where it won't be caught."
- "If you catch me at the border I got visas in my name."
- "It's better than catching a fish."