a carrier (of a line of products): (某系列产品)销售商,分销商
Right now, you are the exclusive carrier of this year's new line. 现在,你们是今年新出系列产品的独家代理商。
To carry a line 销售某一系列产品。
a carrier (air company): 航运公司
to carry a line (of products): 销售、分销
Pronunciation examples
UK: Right now, you are the exclusive carrier of this year's new line.
US: Welcome aboard my aircraft carrier.
- "I'm going to do my best to convince him to become the exclusive carrier of Delavigne's new boxed set."
- "They're independent, so they won't try to push one specific carrier: Benjamin will choose the best offer in each individual case for us."
- "Philip will be traveling to smoggy, silicone-filled Los Angeles on Thursday morning to meet with buyers from 'Smells R Us', a chain of local perfume stores based in Southern California, as well as carriers of fine Delavigne products."
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