to call: 打电话、命名、叫喊
to call back: 再打电话、回电话
a (telephone) call: 谈话(通过电话)
- "I've never been on... what's this thing called again?"
- "Once upon a time, in a faraway land called Europe, there lived a man who loved the smells of life."
- "I am calling about your dog... Stink."
- "You could call yourself a "businessman", or "entrepreneur" for example."
- "Horatio : These are twisted salt cakes, but people call them "pretzels"."
- "I mean... Call me "Rainbow Child"."
- "General : Don't call me General!"
- "Listen, here's the deal: I'm calling you to say sorry."
- "Philip : I'm Philip Cheeter, but you can call me Philip."
- "I'm your pilot, Captain Steve Rogers, but my friends call me Crash."