to be aware of (a problem): 意识到,注意到(一个问题)
I am aware of your current situation and will take that into account when going over your file. 我知道你的目前的情况,在我审查你的文件时我会把这些考虑进去。
(Be) aware (of the sharks): 注意,小心(鲨鱼)
Luna is very aware of environmental issues. Luna很注意环保问题。
Be aware of falling rocks on this cliff. 小心悬崖落石。
Pronunciation examples
UK: She reads the newspaper everyday and is very politically aware.
US: I wasn't aware of that. I thought she was stupid!
- "Caroline : I've done some research on Delavigne, and I'm fully aware of your current online presence, it's very exclusive."
- "You may or may not be aware that Icarus' late father, Archibald Cuthbert Quincy, died of a heart attack when Icarus was only 12."
- "Delavigne is aware of cultural differences, and has therefore decided to release a tailor-made version of each poster for each country where the adverts will be running."
- "I know that you like to read my letters when you open them every morning, so you are probably aware that the FDA (Food and Drug Administration) is coming to audit our R&D Department."
- "Chuk-Chuk : I'm aware of why you are here."
- "The question now is whether he acted alone, or if others were aware of his fraudulent activities."
- "As some of you are no doubt aware, May Day, also known as International Workers' Day, is this Friday, and apparently a few thousand people will be celebrating with a mass protest on the streets of San Francisco."
- "I wonder if the rest of the staff's aware of this!"
- "As I'm sure you are aware, Bob has been with you for 5 years and oversees the IT department."
- "I am aware of Horatio's naps."