to absorb: 吸取,吸收
The padded walls absorb the sound quite well. 该填充墙消音效果相当不错。
I don't think that we can absorb these financial losses. 我认为我们不能接收这些经济损失。
- "I've spoken to Icarus regarding this issue and he has informed me that we can't simply absorb the cost of this excess production, nor would I want to do this."
- "Neighborhoods are starting to flood and others are being sandbagged to absorb the water."
- "Susie : We compensate for these emissions by sponsoring the planting of the necessary amount of trees in India, to absorb the same amount of Co2."
- "This new department will absorb the current freelance hotline staff, and will provide customer support by telephone to Delavigne customers worldwide."
他们的意见 :