
to hold (something): 把(某物)拿在手里 verb
Please hold my hand, I'm scared. 请握住我的手,我有些害怕。

This is an irregular verb:
I hold / I held / I have held
to hold a position: 拥有某个职位 verb
Bruno has held the position of CEO at the Delavigne Corp. for over 25 years. 布鲁诺在德拉维尼亚公司担任CEO超过25年。
to hold a conversation 谈话
to hold a meeting 开会
Hold the phone! 等等!
hold the line 别挂电话
(The competition is) being held (in Australia): (比赛在澳大利亚)被举行 verb

UK: I am too drunk to hold a conversation.
US: Please hold my hand, I'm scared.
  • "Further to our conversation, here is a brief summary of the current policy you hold with Ouch Insurance."
  • "Edward : They can wave to a friend or hold power tools."
  • "If you turn off your light, I'll hold your hand."
  • "Why don't you hold hands?"
  • "Wow, I'm holding an E-Phone!"
  • "(A handkerchief held in front of the mouth and nose would work out at just 40 cents per unit."
  • "After six months of record sales, Philip was awarded the position of Director, which he held ever since."
  • "And where are the Olympic games being held this year, Lotsa?"
  • "I have held this position for more than ten years, but am just now taking over your account from Luke Gabriels, who has moved on to other challenges in this industry."


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我喜欢在线做我的语言课程。每天大约10分钟就够了... 谢谢!






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